Friday, July 27, 2012

Au Revoir Tallahassee

   There is nothing like a putting your room in boxes to get you feeling nostalgic or to remind you that life is coming your way. Oh Tallahassee! It's time to part ways, for now at least ;)

   When I drove up here four years ago, I don't think I knew what I wanted out of "the college experience" other than a degree in Elementary Ed. Who knew what would await me right? A God who was head over heals sold out for Love of me, people that would change my life, and experiences that would forever change the woman I thought myself to be.

Here's me moving into Bryan Hall in August of 2008
.(I just thought I would take you all down memory lane with me!)

   It's a little surreal to be honest. I'm not on the "life plan" I had for myself when that picture was taken. I'm up and moving to a state I've never been to to go and share my love for the Lord and hopefully help a few people find this God who has transformed me. I am nowhere where I thought I would be. I am exactly where I want to be.  

    Tallahassee is a town very dear to my heart. It's taught me many valuable life lessons like how you should really look both ways before you cross the street, sleeping has to take a backseat sometimes, ALWAYS balance your checkbook, try not to procrastinate (too much), and the pivotal role caffeine plays in the spiritual and academic life- just to name a few ;)

   But really all I can be is so very joyful and full at wonder at the ways He has drawn me to Himself and excited for the rest of the adventure! I am beyond grateful for the ways that He has also used so many people to show me His Love. (Thank God for the phone and Skype!). Thank you to each of you for being who you are in my life (and even to you- random person reading this blog- without you this world would be lacking in something only you can offer). 

   Thank you for your prayers (keep em' comin') and your willingness to help me raise the funds I'll need for this upcoming year. People have always told me, "God will provide, God will provide..." and I don't think I ever truly believed that until now (Better late than never right?). It always sounded so cliche to me, but He has. I'm well on my way to meeting my goal. I thank each of you from the very bottom of my heart for your love, support, and staggering generosity.

   Typically, I am not a huge fan of change, but I feel really at peace knowing that I'm about to embark on something that is His will for me and something I SO desire to do! I feel like this internship is a way that I can respond to what He has done in my life, but it's also His gift to ME!

This is graduated me, with those Bros who just can't help but impact your life. 

There's so much that I just don't have words for. But, as a final thought I'd like to leave you with this quote that I came across:
"Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction...Since God has first loved us, love is now no longer a mere "command," it is the response to the gift of love which God draws near to us."
Pope Benedict XVI

   Please feel free to e-mail me, call, or message me any prayer intentions. It would be my sincere pleasure to pray for you- just send em' my way!

With my whole heart,