Wednesday, February 27, 2013

True Joy

My Dearest Mission Partners, Family, and Friends,

I would like to extend my most sincere apology for neglecting to update you all. Updating this blog has been on my mind for quite some time. WOW! It's amazing the way that time just zooms on by and before you know it, it's the end of February...

Though I haven't posted here in a few months, please know that I have not been neglecting my missionary duties here in Jersey. I promise I have been hard at work!

I really do hate to admit it, but the last time I posted, it was in November after our Fall retreat. After that retreat the Lord continued to do SO MUCH in the lives of many students here as well as in my own. I found myself reflecting on all the ways that the Lord had worked over the past few months. Though there were many things and new initiatives to blog about, I always found myself struggling to sit down and write about it. When I had a few weeks off for winter break, I thought it would be easier to reflect on my experiences once I had some time off to relax and recharge. But, again, I found it so difficult to put words to all the ways that I saw the Lord at work.

In no way am I proposing that my so called, "writers block" was an excuse for the 3 month delay in updating you all. Quite frankly, I did leave you all hanging. However, I do think I have a better understanding of why it is so difficult for me to write about my experiences.

Being an intern has been the best and most difficult thing that I have ever done. The Lord has thrown some very challenging situations my way as well as occassions for great joy. Never in my life have I felt more challenged or stretched. This internship so far is everything that I thought it would be and nothing like I thought it would be. In the midst of all the different people and situations that the Lord has thrown my way the past few months, I have never, ever,  been so happy. Never have I felt so privileged...

 After struggling for quite some time to sum up some of my experiences , I realized it was because there is just no way to describe the sheer and utter JOY that I have experienced in being a Missionary intern at Rutgers. As I have gotten to talk with students about their lives, prayer, weather, the best shopping places, the Lord's inexhaustable Love, you name it;  I experience His Love and what He's called me to do here in way that I can only describe as TRUE JOY.

Reaching out to new students, working with the women's group, starting evangelistic initiatives, and sharing my relationship with the Lord feels like an extension of who I am. Finally, I feel like I am getting to do what I have always wanted to do with my time. I feel like I was made for this. It is a real JOY for me in the midst of the demanding situations and the best ones.

The Lord has given me so many opportunities to see just how powerful His Love is. I experience His Love for me in a way the confirms His will for me to be here this year and in a way that calls me on to give all of myself for love of Him. Daily, I am given a front row seat to watch the God of the Universe draw people to Himself. It is hands down, the best show in town. How do you put something that beautiful, that awesome into words?

In the next few days, I do hope to flood this blog with posts about the wrap up of last semester and all of the things that have been happening so far here in the Spring. I just thought I would give you all a little glimpse into what the Lord has been doing in my heart.

 The next several posts will talk about the new Discipleship Training Group that I've started here, the March for Life, New outreach Initiatives, the Tanzania Trip, and our Spring Retreat. (I told you I've been hard at work!) So, get excited about the upcoming posts and please forgive my delay in getting my missionary happenings to you all. A bunch of updates are headed your way!

As always, feel free to send my any prayer requests that you might have. I can't thank each of you enough for your prayers and support. May each of you know of my prayers for you this Lent. May the Lord use this season to draw you ever closer to His heart!

In His Love and Mercy,