Friday, March 1, 2013


"And what you have heard from me before many witnesses, entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also."
2 Timothy 2:2
All of the women that I care for and serve at Rutgers have a particular place in my heart. However, I have a very special place in my heart for the women in the above picture. These six women are part of a Discipleship Program known as F.A.T. No, they're not overweight, but they are women who are FAITHFUL, AVAILABLE, and TEACHABLE.
Soon after the Fall Retreat, I realized that the Rutgers campus is in desperate need of women who can really witness to what God has done in their lives. While that's a part of my job description, it's not enough to have me as the only evangelist. At the end of October, these six women were asked to pray about being part of a group that would strive to follow the Lord in a radical way and learn how to speak with conviction about their Faith. 
F.A.T. was developed by one of the Brothers of the Brotherhood of Hope. When I was a sophmore at Florida Stae I went through this very same Discipleship Program. As a student,  this program was a very powerful and challenging experience. I was constantly called on by my F.A.T.  leader (I know, I know, the name...) and the women in my group. I learned so much about my faith. Most importantly though, in my F.A.T. Leader, I had an awesome example of what it looked like to be a woman who radically pursued the Lord and who reflected the Lord's Love in a way that was atractive and contagious.
The Brothers here in New Jersey had already begun a men's F.A.T. In the past it seemed that  this program never quite worked for the women. As I continued to pray about it, I felt that there were women in the CSA community who were ready to take this next step in their faith. After talking it over with the Catholic Center staff and some continued prayer, we decided it was the right move to revitalize the F.A.T.  group for the women. All of the women in the picture gave their "yes" after attending an interest meeting.
We meet every other week on Sunday afternoon in my apaartment. Our  meetings consist of equiping and mobilizing sessions.  In "equipping" meetings students are armed or "equiped" with a deeper knowledge of their faith. Here we'll talk about what a personal relationship with the Lord looks like and how to be women who follow the Lord in a radical way. In mobilizing sessions we focus a little more on ways to love and reach out to the women on the Rutgers campus. Here we'll talk about ways to have one-on-one meetings with new students, how to answer faith questions that might be asked of them, and how to love people into a relationship with God. In every meeting we also take time to share about different struggles and hurtles that each women in the group might be encountering. For these women, I've noticed that sharing, really sharing, is an integral part of our growth together!

I have to be honest. It has truly been one of my dreams to be a facilitator and leader of a F.A.T. group. When the pieces started falling into place last semester for this group to actually happen, I was overjoyed! Leading this group is such a gift. I feel like it's a real opportunity the Lord has given me to reflect and relay my own passion for evangelization. And WOW. What a privilege and honor it has been to watch these women grow and step out of their comfort zones. It truly is a gift to be able to walk, guide, and be with them as they set out to be women after the Lord's own heart!

Pleae keep these women in your prayers! To say they are doing an awesome job doesn't even begin to describe it!

Because He Loved us first,