Monday, October 27, 2014

The sum of His Love

Perhaps one of my favorite things about being a Mission Leader at Rutgers is the opportunity that I have to share with the women on campus what the Father in Heaven has spoken to my heart. You see, we live in a culture where a woman is defined by her physical beauty, her grades, her accomplishments, her total number of boyfriends; you know the list. She is what shes does and if she can't do it all, then she better prove to the world that she's good enough.  And on a college campus where lots of different things and people try to inform us about who we are, I have the sincere and utter privilege of witnessing that while we are beautiful, accomplished, and successful; the truest thing abut us is that we are infinitely Loved by our Father in Heaven. We are His BELOVED Daughters worthy of a love and respect that honors this dignity.

In many of my one-on-one meetings with women on campus I have the opportunity to share about how the Lord loves us particularly as women and how He's spoken the truth of this in my own journey to come to know Him. These meetings are privileged times to hear about their life and share about God's plan of Love for them. In these meetings I encourage them to get connected with the Catholic Center Women's community so that they can get built up and affirmed and Loved for who they really are. I wanted to share the highlights with you my dear Mission Partners, friends, family, and colleagues of how we've been building a Catholic Women's community here on the Rutgers campus.It's a great passion in my heart to be able to share Christ's words of life with these women and to be a part of building a community of women who can point to our TRUE identity as Beloved Daughters. 

Our apple picking adventure was a great way to do this with some of the women. What a great way to just be together, laugh, and be goofy! 

What girl doesn't like to take fun pictures in the middle of an apple orchard? We really enjoyed spending time together. Often times, we don't have to even say God's name, but we can still communicate His Love by being really present to one another!

When it comes to building women's community you have to get creative. Star gazing of course! Another way to get to know the women on campus and have alot of fun too!

Thursday is easily one of my favorite days of the Mission week. We gather at the Catholic Center every Thursday at 8pm to have Women's Group. As a team of women's staff we try to plan nights where we can cover topics that will speak to women in particular about God's plan of life for them and the JOY that it is to be a Catholic woman. 

Topics range from things like, surrender, prayer, the lives of the saints, men and women's relationships, emotions, sex, contraception, authentic friendships, worship, image, and beauty. We really pray through what kind of topics will best serve the women on campus. 

And there's no Women's Group without a serious dose of fun! Spa nights, zumba, tug of war, twister; we are never at a loss for crazy things to do together!

I count it a real gift to be able to reach out to these women and help get them connected to a family that wants to reflect the Father's Love for them. Each of us is a matchless treasure and a true gift. Pray for our Women's Staff that we can really reach these Rutgers Women and share with them the Truth about who they are. Would that we all know deeply in our hearts of His Love that is so totally other! At the end of the day it doesn't matter if we've accomplished everything on the to do list, bombed a test, if we were recognized, rejected, if we got the job, if we feel beautiful, or if we're feeling completely inadequate. The one thing that does not change is that we are INFINITELY LOVED by our Father in Heaven. 
We are the Sum of His Love for us..